Das Internet in der Energiebranche
„Smart“ – Vielfachvernetzung, Chancen und Herausforderungen im Wandel der Energiewirtschaft. Im Wandel bestehen und sich neu erfinden.
Von Gabriele Viebach
„Nichts ist steter als der Wandel
Im April 2006 war ich eingeladen, mit Unternehmenslenkern und Entscheidern aus der Energiebranche das Thema „Vernetzung und Kundenfokussierung“ zu diskutieren. Smart Phones, Cloud-Plattformen und Apps waren noch neu und ungewohnt. Man ahnte Chancen, glaubte aber auch, Bedrohliches zu erkennen. Alle verspürten eine beunruhigende Mischung aus dem Drang, mitzumachen und der eingestandenen Unkenntnis darüber, wie das zu bewerkstelligen sei.“
Zitiert nach: Digitalisierung braucht Leadership. Warum Digitale Welt, Mobilität und Energiewende mehr Wohlstand schaffen. (Hrsg.) Elmar Niederhaus und Helmut Fuchs. Düsseldorf Oktober 2016.
Über Gabriele Viebach
Blessed with the pleasure to witness actively the first decade of digitization, having started as one of the first 60 people starting off T-Mobile back in 1992, we now face the second decade of the digital area. Back in 1992, we evangelized mobile communication as becoming as normal as tooth brushing, today, the entire world is globally mobile and tooth brushing comes clearly after mobile today.
After having had the pleasure to build T-Mobile in collaboration with ex Nixdorf Managers, there are 2 key learnings I internalized until today; how to build a company and scale a business and secondly – being allowed to make mistakes and how to learn from them, because we built something, which was never built before.
Since then, I had various leading / managing roles in corporate Software- and Telecommunication environments, allowing me to learn and mature in relevant skills such as how to think strategically, team building and corporate leadership, all sales and marketing disciplines globally, go to market modeling as well as giving companies or
organizations the appropriate structure.
With my appointment as the CEO of eZ Systems, I actively decided to leave the corporate world. The years before, I learned how a software company entirely “works” by engaging with Venture capitalists in their portfolio companies to improve as a strategic consultant, whatever needed to be improved in collaboration with the related management. During this period, I accompanied aprox. 25 software companies of different size and solutions.
Since 2014, my main area of focus is to strategically consult traditional industries shaping and building digital services and business models to be prepared for the 2nd decade of digitization and being able to take advantage of its opportunities and chances. I am a board member of 3 software companies, accredited as an UNO commissioner through my leadership role for emerging IT in the Diplomatic Council and continue to be engaged in various startup – communities and incubator concepts including smart city initiatives.